


的 Pell Grant award is initially offered for the full amount of eligibility that 一个学生有.  只有注册12学时或以上的学生才能获得全额奖学金 佩尔奖.  该奖项按比例颁发给注册时间少于12小时的学生 (75% for 9-11 小时; 50% for 6-8 小时; and typically 25% for less than 6 小时).    


Once 一个学生有 completed all requirements on the 金融援助 Checklist and the student has accepted the award, the financial 援助 will automatically be used to cover 学费、杂费和书本费.  你不需要采取任何额外的行动 让你的助手支付你的费用.  


Students are notified by Collin email when they have funds that can be utilized at 书店.  Students should submit a copy of their student schedule to 书店 and then the charges will be applied to your student account and your financial 援助 will automatically pay for the charges when the 援助 is p援助 to the student account.  


In general, a student must be enrolled in at least 6 小时 to receive loans and grants.  In some cases, students are able to receive a Pell Grant when taking fewer than 6 小时.  


的 Free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) covers the fall, spring and the 一学年的夏季学期.  每个新申请必须提交新的FAFSA 学年.  我们建议学生不迟于4月完成FAFSA 下一学年第一名.  


Yes, a stepparent is considered a parent if married to a biological or adoptive parent 如果这个学生算进了他们的家庭规模.  

Why do I have to include my parent's income on the FAFSA if they are not going to 帮我付大学学费?

Federal law that governs student financial 援助 has criteria that must be met in order 被认为是独立的学生.  bet9备用登录地址FAFSA地址的问题42至54 学生的依赖或独立的状态.  看看FAFSA的解释 在这里.


要将学校添加到您的FAFSA,请访问FAFSA.Gov并添加该学校的学校代码 您希望您的申请在其中发送.  从技术上讲,援助并不是“转移”自 学校到学校.  和你要转去的学校联系一下,看看他们是否愿意 再次需要你的任何文件.


It could, if you have any Pell Grant or Direct Student Loan eligibility remaining 在颁奖年度.  科林授予全额年度奖学金和贷款资格 在秋季和春季学期.  然而,如果你没有全职工作,或者没有 accept the full amount of your loans, you may have eligibility remaining for the summer.  To be certain, check with one of our offices to determine if you have eligibility 暑假结束了.  


To qualify for FWS you have to show financial need, be enrolled at least half-time 在一个合格的项目中,成为一个合格的美国公民.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民 取得令人满意的学业进步.  


bet9备用登录地址确实提供私人贷款. 利率和期限各不相同 通过银行.  We encourage students to consider private loans as an option only if they 没有资格获得联邦学生援助.  举个例子,如果一个学生 is not 取得令人满意的学业进步, then a private loan could be considered 作为学生的选择. 要了解更多bet9备用登录地址私人贷款的信息,请点击 在这里.

I know that I am on 金融援助 suspension, but can I still get a student loan?

No, Direct Student Loans are Federal Student Aid funds and if you are on Financial 你没有资格申请贷款.  参见上面的问题和 look to see if private loans could be an option for you as you do not have to be making 学业进展良好,才有资格获得私人贷款.     


Parents who are unmarried and living together give that as their status in question #55 on the FAFSA and both would need to report their information on the FAFSA.   

Am I considered an independent student if I am expecting a child during the academic 这一年我将获得经济资助?

Yes, question #47 on the FAFSA includes children who will be born before the end of the award year, who will receive more than half of their support from the student.  


Hazelwood Act does cover continuing education classes at 科林大学 as long as 这门课程是用公式资助的. 您可能需要向CE招生工作人员或 the 金融援助 staff to ensure the class you're interested in meets this criteria.

要了解有关黑兹尔伍德豁免的更多信息,请点击 在这里.


核查是一个美国认为可行的过程.S. 教育部用来确保 FAFSA报告的信息是准确的. 一些FAFSA申请是 selected because of inconsistent information, and others are chosen randomly. 的 金融援助 office will request copies of your (and if a dependent student, your parents’) IRS tax return transcript(s) and W-2s, as well as a verification worksheet 如果你被选中. 您在FAFSA上提供的信息与 提交的税务资料. 如有必要,我们会进行修改,并通知您 of any corrections made and the effect the changes have had on your 援助 eligibility. 


T在这里 are many types and places to apply for scholarships, some scholarships are based 择优录取和其他录取是基于经济需要.  一个好的开始是检查 你感兴趣的学校或学校的网站.  大多数学校 have institutional scholarships that are available for students to apply for. 
有关科林基金会奖学金的更多信息,请点击 在这里.

Why have I not received my money when other students already have theirs?

问这个问题时,有几件事需要考虑.  首先,你提交了吗 all of the requested documentation that financial 援助 requested in order to be able 完成和处理您的文件?  如果你没有,那就去经济援助办公室 不能完成你的文件和处理它或授予任何学生资助.  第二,你的 schedule of classes may vary from another student's and that affects when the financial 援助可以释放.  如果你的课程在学期开始的较晚(周末大学) classes or express classes, for example) then the financial 援助 office can't release 直到第十节课结束.  另一个需要考虑的因素是数量 of 小时 you are enrolled in for the semester; 学生贷款 require a student to 注册并参加至少六个学分的课程.  最后但并非最不重要的是,你的满意 学业进展状况可能会影响你获得资助的资格.  如果你是 not sure of your SAP status, you would need to check your status to see if you're 有资格接受援助.      


在这种情况下,有一些重要的事情需要考虑.  首先,你注册了吗 在足够的时间内获得经济资助? 一个例子就是学生获奖 学生贷款. 学生贷款要求学生至少注册并就读 6学时.  Another important thing to consider; are you making Satisfactory 学术的进步?  此外,您还需要考虑您的文件是否已经完成并且 你确实获得了经济资助.  如果你没有提交所有要求的文件, 那么经济援助将无法完成你的文件.  这是学生的责任 提交所有必需的文件和 跟进财务援助办公室 以确保没有丢失或需要的东西.  要勤奋,检查你的 financial 援助 is complete by contacting the financial 援助 office in advance of the 本学期付款截止日期.  

什么是SAP? 为什么我没有资格获得经济资助?

Satisfactory 学术的进步 is a federal regulation that requires a student to complete 67% of all 小时 attempted with a cumulative 金融援助 GPA of 2.0.  In addition to these requirements, the regulations also require a student to be within 最长学时,不超过学生学习计划的150%.  例如, if your program of study is 60 小时, then you cannot exceed 90 attempted 小时 (i.e., 小时 signed up for; not 小时 completed) and be meeting the other SAP requirements.  To determine max 小时 in this example case, take the 60 小时 and multiply it by 150%等于90小时.  根据联邦法规,学生必须是 meeting the school's SAP policy in order to be eligible for Federal Student Aid.   


If you will be attending 科林大学, you will need to apply for Admissions.  At the same time, request OFFICIAL transcripts from ALL previously attended colleges, 大学,贸易学校和技术学校.  接下来,你需要申请福利 在我们任何一个校区的经济援助/退伍军人服务办公室.  你会 need to let them know what chapter you are eligible for and they will provide you 用适当的表格填写和提交.  如需更详细资料,请 点击 在这里.


For Federal Student Aid purposes, Federal Veteran's Benefits are not treated as estimated 金融援助. 因此,你可以获得退伍军人福利和联邦学生援助 同时. 此外,退伍军人管理局的福利不会影响联邦学生 你有资格获得的援助.  我们鼓励老学生申请助学金 援助.