

On and Off Campus Events





BAT Coin Ceremony



网络安全部门很高兴地宣布,已有160多名学生毕业 with the BAT degree since 2022! BAT毕业生获赠纪念币一枚,以示纪念 their accomplishment in Collin College's program.


Fall 23 Coin Ceremony
Fall 2023 BAT Coin Ceremony participants



在网络安全这一发展最快、收入最高的职业中确保你的未来 fields. 


Are you ready? 准备好自己成为一个进攻和防守球员来保护 the cyber world. 为了现场了解这个领域的节奏有多快, click on this cyber attack map.

  • 蓝色团队,防御性的,将学习一种有效的方法来保护公司系统免受攻击 with monitoring and reacting to incidents.
  • 红队进攻性强,会在攻击公司系统前找到漏洞 malicious actors hack into it first. 
  • 紫色团队,在一个组织中既是进攻元素又是防守元素.
Please refer to the Collin CyberHub for info on:

- National Cybersecurity Groups
- Upcoming Local and National Events
- Local Cybersecurity Groups 
- Information on Collin College Faculty






Security Analyst
Incident Analyst/Responder (Entry Level)
Penetration & Vulnerability Tester (Entry Level)



网络安全领域的职业发展机会包括,但是是 not limited to, the following roles:


Security Architect
Security Engineer
Security Administrator

To explore other cybersecurity fields please visit this page.


Program Options:
您可以获得多个证书,这些证书可以在您完成您的工作时“堆叠” Associate or Bachelor degrees. 证书按学分要求顺序排列.


一级证书- CISSP信息系统网络安全专业人员


AAS – Information Systems Cybersecurity 

BAT -网络安全应用技术学士学位



NSA Seal

National Center of Academic Excellence
美国国家安全局(NSA)指定bet9备用登录地址为国家中心 为其应用科学副学士颁发网络防御教育学术卓越奖 Cybersecurity program. 应用技术学士学位目前正在审核中 as it is a newer degree to the college.



Bachelor of Applied Technology -- Cybersecurity  

bet9备用登录地址很高兴邀请学生参加应用技术学士学位课程 in Cybersecurity. 

2024年秋季BAT-Cyber课程的申请截止日期:转学申请人8月 9th and Collin Applicants August 14th.  


要了解更多bet9备用登录地址这个学位,相关课程和职业道路,请点击 the appropriate heading:

申请流程(已经是科林的在读学生-不需要重新申请BAT program)

Frequently Asked Questions

Estimated Costs


AAS Cybersecurity Information Sheet

BAT Cybersecurity Information Sheet



EC Council

EC Council 2023



如果您对BAT-Cybersecurity还有疑问,请提问 sign up 通过选择您想要参加的日期来参加虚拟信息会议.  Registration is required.

Step 1. Virtual Information/Q&A为对A感兴趣的准学生开设的课程 网络安全职业生涯(涵盖所有科林网络项目):新

  • new dates coming

    以上链接连接到特定的Information/Q&A Sessions in Eventbrite.  You can also register directly on Eventbrite:

Step 2. Virtual Mandatory BAT Orientations (for students who already hold an AAS degree in cyber/information security 或已获网络安全部门邀请参加会议):


Questions?  Please email:


North TX ISSA Student Chapter LinkedIn Network


Cyber Seek Labor Data:


Teach Cyber K-12 Opportunities

Women in Cybersecurity- Training and Scholarships

Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program

ISC2 Undergraduate/Associate Scholarships

Scholarship Opportunities

ISACA Competition Club

Women in Cybersecurity Student Chapter

Collin College Foundation Scholarship

Open Labs on Campus

Contact Us



Career Coach Monthly Newsletters 2023-2024
August 2023
September 2023 (jobs edition)
October 2023
November 2023 (jobs edition)
January 2024
February 2024







我们为bet9备用登录地址网络安全项目的父子二人——乔迪感到自豪 and Scott Cantello! 他们将于12月毕业,获得应用技术学士学位 并继续在职业生涯中做出伟大的事情,因为他们都在工业领域工作 同时平衡全日制课程负担,全职工作和生活旅程.From left to right- Dr. 李·鲍威尔(学术事务和劳动力项目主任),达米安 Smith(网络安全总监),Scott Cantello, Jody Cantello和Dr. Diana Hopes (Provost of Frisco and Celina Campuses). 



bet9备用登录地址的学生参加了第五届ISACA北德克萨斯州2022年学院 Case Competition. They won first place!   





由五名bet9备用登录地址网络安全学生组成的团队在2022年的信息安全竞赛中获得了第一名 系统审计和控制协会(ISACA)北德州案例竞赛,击败 从北德州多所大学的参赛队伍中脱颖而出.The bet9备用登录地址的团队包括学生Miles McCready, Khagendra Pokharel, Nghi Nguyen, 马修·戴利(Matthew Daley)和玛丽亚·亨特(Mariah Hunt),后者赢得了一个相当大的奖杯,并获得了7500美元的奖金 scholarship. Read more here about our amazing students.


Our Community Partners 


今年1月,bet9备用登录地址收到了来自北德克萨斯州的3.5万美元奖学金 拨款资助2023-2024学年的奖学金. We are grateful for 他们对网络安全和学生未来的支持和影响 lives.  





Please consider joining Handshake, a job search platform for college students. 此外,许多雇主活动都可以通过Handshake进行注册. You 可以通过观看这个视频了解更多bet9备用登录地址握手的知识吗.
